Restore my heart Lord
Christmas is a season of Hope, but it can also be tinged with feelings of hopelessness for some people. Hopelessness can be one of the most destructive emotions that a person can ever feel. You can sometimes seem lost in what appears to be an endless abyss of darkness and emptiness. It can seem as if there is a complete absence of joy and hope, and yet in the midst of that pain, God meets us in the brokenness.
Brokenness can be devastating. Whether we’ve lost a loved one, endured pain through a relationship or health problems, or been the subject of bullying or abuse. All suffering leaves scars, and cracks. However, the Japanese have an incredible way of transforming broken pieces of pottery, into something beautiful, using powdered gold to transform something that was broken, into something even more beautiful than before, they call it ‘kintsugi’.
I wonder what scars you are carrying today? Physical? Emotional? Spiritual? You may have suffered a deep disappointment that is hurting you right now.
Jesus never minimized the pain someone was feeling, and yet He had a powerful way of meeting people where they were at, in the place of their brokenness, and brought transformation. He knows what it’s like to bear scars, and He longs to bring restoration to us.
God tells us in His word that ‘I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten’ (Joel 2:25). He promises that whatever pain and darkness you are facing, He will not let it prevail over you!
Whilst it may not be possible to avoid suffering, God promises to restore your brokenness and bring beauty from the ashes. For every week, month, year that has been stolen from you, the Father will restore it. Whilst final restoration is yet to come, it can begin now. Today. Through this process of healing, you will be sculpted to be more beautiful than ever, and your scars will glisten with gold, just like the kintsugi pottery.
Jesus speaks over you today ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’ (2 Corinthians 12:9).
In the darkest parts of your life, God is there.
In the tear drenched moments, God is there.
In the sleepless nights, God is there.
God understands our pain, and He longs to bring restoration to the broken parts of our lives. Whether it’s a broken relationship with a family member or friend, a deep sense of loss, a battle with mental health, words or actions that have left you hurt, God can bring healing. Don’t suffer on your own, reach out to someone you trust, it can be so healing to say how you feel out loud. Jesus often confided in His friends when He struggled, and so should we. It can be so freeing to express how someone has hurt us, and to have someone talk and pray with you. Don’t suffer alone.
In the brokenness we pray, restore my heart Lord.