Feeling Fresh!

Nothing beats the smell of freshly baked bread, or that clean, fresh smell of newly washed clothes.  Things that are fresh and new get our attention.  Psychologists have discovered that the average attention span for an adult is a mere twenty minutes, and that after that, we tend to lose focus, and miss details.

What was the last thing that held your attention? An advert, a conversation, a song?

When Jesus was praying in anguish in the Garden of Gethsemane, He was heartbroken to find that His disciples couldn’t stay awake for very long.  Even though they swore to love Him and stand by His side, here they were at the cusp of the most crucial part of Jesus’ ministry and where were they? Asleep!

Even when something or someone grabs our attention initially, it can be difficult to maintain focus.  I remember when I first came to faith, I was in such a rush to tell others about the Jesus I had discovered.  Over time faith develops and matures, but it seems that we often forget to hold onto the ‘freshness’ of the Gospel message.    Jesus’ life, death and resurrection are as fresh, real, and relevant today as they were 2000 years ago.

In Matthew 5, Jesus is clear that His followers are the salt of the earth, and that when we are no longer salty, we can start to become ineffective and fruitless.  When something ceases to be fresh, it becomes old and stale.

I wonder, what aspect of your life feels stale today?  Maybe you’re finding it really hard to pray, murmuring the same ‘thank you for my family, please help me with my revision tomorrow’ sort of prayers?  Maybe there is a relationship with a family member or friend that’s become really stale? What would it look like if those areas became fresh again?

God wants to give you a FRESH perspective.

I wonder, what would it look like if you lived in the freshness of God every single day?

After all, Jesus says, ‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:10).  Contrary to what the world thinks, He doesn’t want your life to be about following rules, saying your prayers just for the sake of it.  He longs to fill you with a fresh excitement for Him and for His people!

Why not try some creative new ways to inject life into your prayer life?  You could make a paper chain of gratitude, writing things you are thankful for and adding to it every day.  Or you could spend some time speaking out loud who God is to you, praising Him for who He is (not just what you’re thankful for).  You could draw a picture to convey how you feel about God, or write a letter, whatever the way-get creative-get fresh!

Let God fill you afresh today!


Bold Faith


An update from David