Brewed Faith: Embracing the Transformative Journey 

So many followers of Jesus find themselves stuck—discouraged, frustrated, and stagnant. We've fallen into the trap of expecting instant transformation, like instant coffee. Pour the water in and there you go the finished product. But for most of us, becoming a Christian doesn’t result in this instant and complete transformation. 

"We've prayed, been baptized, had spiritual highs, yet still grapple with doubts, sins, and unchanged lives. We wonder, 'Is this it?' "I thought I'd be different by now. 

Let's look at coffee enthusiasts and what they can teach us. People who brew their own coffee in pursuit of the perfect cup, they experiment, and try different methods and ingredients. And they try and fail and try again until they get it right. 

They experiment with adjusting the bean variety, grind sizes, water type, and temperature—all these things affect the outcome. Coffee brewers obsess over tweaking variables to find perfection, a process known as 'dialing it in’.

But why am I talking about coffee? Because this idea of  'dialing it in' isn't just about coffee—it's fundamental to Christianity and our goal of becoming more like Jesus.

Being a Christian is like brewing coffee—time, effort, and attention are needed. We try, fail, tweak, and try again.

God, in His love, desires our growth. While our spirits are made new at conversion, our minds and hearts need transformation.

Spiritual growth isn't instant. It's a journey of humility, perseverance, and learning, like the slow process of brewing coffee.


Decisions, decisions


Welcome Keziah